In the beginning of the show, Ryan and Stefan talk about Eavesdropping Toys for kids and for adults that were commercialized during their childhood. They also talk briefly about the Kress Live article that was recently posted in the Sun Herald.
In his talk on the Bubonic Plague, Stefan discusses how the disease arrived at the end of a "Golden Age" for Europe, how the Mongols spread the disease in its early phases by catapolting the bodies of their dead, infected soldiers over the walls of their enemies to contaminate others, the mutation of the disease into the pneumonic plague, what happens to a person with the Black Death, what new genetic research tells us about the plague, what the fatality rates were like and how it changed the lives of Europeans for decades, the mob mentalities of flagellant fanatics (groups of men who wiped them selves and reenacted the sufferings of Jesus Christ as a form of penance), how the Pope played a role in suggestive treatments, religious hysteria and scientific ignorance, how disinformation and lack of knowledge spread the disease, and the genocide acts that occuried to the Jewish people.