cnp_68-shea_dobson.mp3 |
Newly elected mayor of Ocean Springs, Shea Dobson, comes to Coastal Noise to talk politics, local government, medical marijuana, and the MS state flag, To listen, subscribe on Itunes, Youtube, or listen with the above audio file link. Talking points include (listed in order):
-The importance of focusing on local government
-Transparency in Office/Using Social Media to Connect
-Expansion in East Ocean Springs/New Industries
-Further improving on Ocean Springs's unique Art Community
-How working in Zoning & Adjustment Department helped Dobson prepare for his role as Mayor
-The One Coast Concept
-Medical Marijuana Legalization and Adult Personal Accountability/ "Government should stay out of the way of doctors and patients...the war on drugs has been a complete failure."
-(LEAP) Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
-Raising the State Flag in front of City Hall
Hosted by Stefan Lawson. 8/5/17
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-The importance of focusing on local government
-Transparency in Office/Using Social Media to Connect
-Expansion in East Ocean Springs/New Industries
-Further improving on Ocean Springs's unique Art Community
-How working in Zoning & Adjustment Department helped Dobson prepare for his role as Mayor
-The One Coast Concept
-Medical Marijuana Legalization and Adult Personal Accountability/ "Government should stay out of the way of doctors and patients...the war on drugs has been a complete failure."
-(LEAP) Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
-Raising the State Flag in front of City Hall
Hosted by Stefan Lawson. 8/5/17
Please share, leave reviews or comments. We would love to hear your feedback.
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