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CNP #63-Mallisa Mott & Beth O'Neil of the Mantras & Macros podcast, weekly talks about health, fitness, and diet advice.
Mallisa Mott is a certified nutrition and wellness consultant and active Crossfitter. Beth O'Neil is a sports nutrition consultant and is certified in crossfit L1. She currently teaches classes at Crossfit Portside. Hosted by Stefan Lawson. 4/18/17
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Mallisa Mott is a certified nutrition and wellness consultant and active Crossfitter. Beth O'Neil is a sports nutrition consultant and is certified in crossfit L1. She currently teaches classes at Crossfit Portside. Hosted by Stefan Lawson. 4/18/17
Subscribe on Itunes, Youtube, and other major podcast apps (e.g. Podcast Addict for Android). To follow, like Coastal Noise on Facebook.