I grabbed a few pics and watched for another minute as the two embraced and laughed together. When they finally came out of their bubble and noticed me up at the road, I threw both hands up and gave a great shout of approval. I really hope someone reading this knows who these two are. I would love to congratulate them and share these pictures with them (see below). As an unsuspecting bystander who just happened to be out taking pictures, I would think that my shots would be something unique to have. Ten years down the road they could look back and say to their kids, "And these were the shots taken by some random guy who did this thing called the Coastal Noise Podcast. We think it has something to do with aliens and eating vegetables."
I guess the best course of action is to get this post to go viral. Let's shoot for, say, a hundred million shares and a billion likes. That should get somebodies attention that has a connection to them. No but really, if I could get this thing circulated even just a little, there is a good chance they will find it eventually. The coast is a small world! If you want to help me connect these two love birds to this story, the share button is just below.
Spread the spring love and ride on!
PS-If you like the shots, you can check out more on my photography page, or click here to see my newinstagram account. Also, if you haven't listened to the new podcast (CNP #47 with Christopher "Iron Lightning Boy" Hartfield) on Native American Cultures and Primitive Living, I highly recommend it. You can listen to it and any other episode here.
And of course...The Proposal!
Here is a few other honorable mentions, taken by Ride Master Spain. He helped make a lot of the shots possible yesterday. Thank you sir!
Thanks for viewing! Come back anytime.